Everybody’s got dreams and plans. How to make those dreams come true is the problem and the challenge. But few of us were ever taught in school about how to do that. Some people give up. Others, like me, turn to Kickstarter to connect us with like minded people. Some keep searching for the answer and never find it.
Everybody wants their dream to come true – and they want it NOW. Fast. Overnight would be great. And there’s lots of people out there – lots of self-help books and authors on DVDs –to give us THE WAY to do it.
The self help industry may not be helping, yet millions buy books and CDs and beat themselves up when they don't achieve success after following all the steps. Are we creating a subculture of defeated people, dependant on the words of moder...n day self-proclaimed prophets rather than self-reliant problem solvers, connected with themselves and the web of life, the cycles of Earth and the rhythms of the natural world?
I am writing a book about this and I need your help to flush it out and finish it. It’s called “The Power of Process - Why It’s OK That Things Don’t Happen Overnight.” I have written a couple of books about environmental issues, spent 20 years working in the space program, and currently work with Microsoft Research communicating future trends. But this problem has always nagged at me. It’s very important to me to figure this out and I think it could be important to you as well.

The self help industry may not be helping, yet millions buy books and CDs and beat themselves up when they don't achieve success after following all the steps. Are we creating a subculture of defeated people, dependant on the words of moder...n day self-proclaimed prophets rather than self-reliant problem solvers, connected with themselves and the web of life, the cycles of Earth and the rhythms of the natural world?
I am writing a book about this and I need your help to flush it out and finish it. It’s called “The Power of Process - Why It’s OK That Things Don’t Happen Overnight.” I have written a couple of books about environmental issues, spent 20 years working in the space program, and currently work with Microsoft Research communicating future trends. But this problem has always nagged at me. It’s very important to me to figure this out and I think it could be important to you as well.
The most successful people in our culture, whether they be sellers of spiritual advice or makers of one widget or another, became successful because a complex array of forces came to bear on a particular moment in time.
They invented something, had an idea or voiced a concept that resonated with a significant number of people at that moment, a moment that was created because of a complex array of personal, societal, and social forces that cannot be recreated in just that way no matter how closely you follow the path of the successful individual. Their path was unique, special, specific to their journey and created in a synergistic partnership between their life and the universe.
This observation is not meant to suggest that you cannot yourself be successful or rich. But it does mean that who you choose to learn from and what you choose to learn is of critical importance and one thing always remains true: You cannot be happy following someone else’s dream, especially if the goal is the attainment of monetary wealth.
It just doesn’t work.
They invented something, had an idea or voiced a concept that resonated with a significant number of people at that moment, a moment that was created because of a complex array of personal, societal, and social forces that cannot be recreated in just that way no matter how closely you follow the path of the successful individual. Their path was unique, special, specific to their journey and created in a synergistic partnership between their life and the universe.
This observation is not meant to suggest that you cannot yourself be successful or rich. But it does mean that who you choose to learn from and what you choose to learn is of critical importance and one thing always remains true: You cannot be happy following someone else’s dream, especially if the goal is the attainment of monetary wealth.
It just doesn’t work.
My Kickstarter project to raise funds for this project is LIVE! Visit it at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1871232052/power-of-process-its-ok-dreams-dont-come-true-over?ref=live and please consider supporting!
That is what I am writing about. See www.powerofprocess.org for excerpts of what I have written so far and please consider supporting my KICKSTARTER PROJECT.
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